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How to shift your negative thinking. Effortlessly! And in the process become the person you want to be.

How to shift your negative thinking. Effortlessly! And in the process become the person you want to be.

performance coaching melbourne

We’re often unaware of our primary driving thoughts.
the ones that we really care about and that
influence us from one day to the next.

And, when we’re unaware of these thoughts,
we may not realise the negative thinking
that lurks within us.

And the affect it has on our life.

If we’re not aware of that type of thinking,
we have no way of controlling it’s impact.

So our negative thinking
can adversely affect our life
in the office, within our team,
and at home,
without us have any inkling of what’s going on.

In becoming aware of our primary driving thoughts,
we give ourselves awareness,
and with it comes choice.

The choice to become who we would really like to be.

One of the simplest techniques
to give ourselves awareness,
is putting our thinking and our feelings
into B&W.

We can have hundreds of thoughts a minute.
But we can put into B&W
just a few of them over the same time frame.

And so the few we unconsciously choose
will give us insights into who we are really being
in that moment.
And, what primary driving thoughts are ruling us
in that moment.

And with that awareness will come choice.
The choice to choose different thoughts.
The choice to be a different way.

Writing (or typing) just 10 minutes a day can
therefore have an amazing influence.

Before I tried this myself,
I wouldn’t have believed
the impact this exercise could have.

And the same goes for many of our clients.

When you think about just “10 mins of writing”
it could be easy to discount the power.
After all, it’s just a short snap shot of one moment in one day.

But when you write just 10 minutes a day
for a fortnight or more,
you start to see:
Who you are being
and what you are valuing.

It can be a little confronting.
To be sure.

But jeepers, the rewards are worth it.

It can have such a MASSIVE impact.
On you.
On your thoughts.
On how you see the world.
And, on the difference you will create.

There’s nothing more exciting
than the type of choice this simple exercise creates.

It allows to you consciously change
and consciously create
your reality.

It allows you to see
who you are
and it allows you to make a clear decision about
who you’d like to be.

If you do the writing in a particular ‘free-flow’ format
(click here to see that format)
and you do it without editing,
then you can come back and quickly see
what you thought,
how you felt,
and importantly
what you were truly connected to, in that moment.

This free flow writing is effectively
taking a snap shot
of a current Stream of Consciousness (SOC).

And when you combine it with
looking for recurrent patterns in your writing,
over time
it’s extremely powerful.

with awareness
comes choice.

Click here to get the instructions.

I encourage you to try it!
And feel free to let me know how you go.

With warmth,

PS.  If you’d like to FAST Track your progress (and you’re up for the challenge) send me one of your SOC’s and I’ll happily scan it for a pattern or two!