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QUESTION: What is ‘happiness’ for YOU?

QUESTION: What is ‘happiness’ for YOU?

The question above is so important that answering it could save you over $100,000 on average and, depending on your drive, well over a $1,000,000.  Not to mention many thousands of hours doing something you don’t like.It’s a pretty simple question so how can that possibly be true?

Well, imagine getting into a car to go to a ‘divine’ place.  And, with that simple intention you start driving.  You drive wide and far.  Fast some times, slow at other times.  You get up early and you go to bed late in order to drive further.  If the tank gets low you stop just long enough to fill it up. Occasionally you go through places that seem to match the description of ‘divine’ so you stop, briefly, to enjoy them.  Then you get back in your car and keep driving because your main intention is to actually get to that ‘divine place’.

It’s like this for most us when it comes to happiness.

download (21)You see happiness is a weird word that defines so much, yet so little at the same time.  We all want it, we all strive for it, we all talk about having more of it.

We invest thousands of hours working (often in jobs that don’t really fulfill us) so we can then invest tens of thousands of dollars in trips, cars, houses, schools and more in order to create happiness for ourselves and our family.

BUT, and here’s the important bit, in our desire to take action to feel happier we forget to first work out exactly what happiness is for ourselves.  And in forgetting that crucial step we waste a lot of time & money heading towards an undefined destination.

So, if you’d like a very simple one page worksheet to assist you to get clear on what happiness is to YOU (a worksheet that could literally save $100,000 or more) send us an email or and we’ll send one out to you!