Pressure… How to use the spotlight

We all have to deal with it in varying degrees at varying times.
Some people love it and thrive on it.
Most people don’t.
If we look at pressure as a spotlight, it’s easy to understand that pressure helps us to see the internal patterns and glitches
that we otherwise would not.
Pressure shows us what we are good at and what we aren’t.
What we like and what we don’t
What we can happily handle and what we can’t.
Who we currently feel connected to and who we don’t.
Pressure can also show us what we are grateful for and what we resent.
The spotlight of pressure can be seen as a curse.
Something we feel we need to fight, move away from or hide from.
But it can also be seen as a gift.
A chance to really see who we currently are in the here and now.
And a chance to get clear on who we would like to be
in the not too distant future.
The critical thing about any form of pressure is that it takes FAR MORE ENERGY to deal with it if we judge it as a NEGATIVE rather than something that is neither negative nor positive but something that simply gives us crystal clear AWARENESS.
We tense up and brace ourselves when we’re worried about making mistakes and failing.
But we open up and push forward when we anticipate the chance to learn and grow.
Remember the time as a kid that you felt the negativity of being under pressure?
Well, pat yourself on the back.
You got through it.
And here you are.
Stronger, more robust and more aware.
You may not have known then that it would all turn out ok.
But here you are.
And now you can use that knowledge for your future gain.
View pressures a simple spotlight, one that will show you precisely what to focus on to become a stronger more flexible and more capable individual in the future.
Because through learning to effectively and efficiently work with pressure, we get the incredible long-term benefits of having a happier, more energised and more balanced life.
With warmth,