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Author: Nikk Hughes

performance coaching melbourne

How to shift your negative thinking. Effortlessly! And in the process become the person you want to be.

We’re often unaware of our primary driving thoughts. the ones that we really care about and that influence us from one day to the next. And, when we’re unaware of these thoughts, we may not realise the negative thinking that lurks within us. And the affect it has on our life. If we’re not aware…
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executive coaches melbourne

Using Free-Flow Writing to capture a Stream of Consciousness

Ok. So, You’re looking to capture a Stream of Consciousness. The InspireTribe free-flow writing rules are really simple. Open an email. Set the timer for 10 mins. Then start tapping away. Don’t stop. Keep writing. About what? Well, whatever you like! What’s been happening. How you FEEL about it. (The latter is important – write…
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Valuing your feelings

How to quickly assist a person (who is holding you or your project back) to let go of the past and embrace change

Got someone in your team, (they may be above or below you) who’s holding things back? They need to change. But, they’re resisting it. :-/ Maybe it’s conscious. Maybe it’s not. Either way, it’s slowing everything down. They say they want to move forward. But their actions indicate otherwise. They’re not happy about the change.…
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personal executive coach

Register now BITECON 2017

  Did you know that we are speaking at BITECON 2017…. BUSINESS OWNERS (& aspiring Business Owners!!) (Located Melbourne through to Sorrento) We’ve got some local business guns on the Peninsula. And they’re putting together an event they wanted to go to themselves. (Thanks Shannon Smit, Nadia Hughes and the Smart Business Solutions team!) It’s going to be…
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Are you slowing down?

As a leader, your speed will determine the speed of those around you. Use the table below to quickly assess your current position.

What your words reveal about you?

Our language highlights who we are. I challenge you to really LISTEN to yourself over the next 24 hours.

Need some LEVERAGE to help you do great things?

Sometimes it’s hard to do what you know you want to do for yourself. Think of something that you’d LOVE to be able to do, yet you haven’t been able to make the time available to do it.. for one reason or another. There can be a whole heap of excuses that get in the way.…
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Are you lazy in your thinking?

Great success requires great work It sounds like a basic concept of success. It’s pretty simple.  In fact it’s so simple you could flippantly read it and go, “Yep, I know that.” The truth for me, is that for 20 years I did exactly that to many of the valuable concepts I came across… “Yep, I know that.”…
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executive coaches melbourne

The Power of 3 Questions

What do you want in life? What do you need to do to get it? What are you willing to pay? Three questions that when put together are extraordinarily powerful. Why? Because all of a sudden it becomes very easy to let go of things that you desperately wish you could have, but don’t.  …
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executive coach melbourne

Make 2016 the year you WANT to remember

As a New Year Kick-Off, we’re offering 15min Mindset Acceleration Sessions to those of you who receive this email – that’s better than any tip we could offer!  It’s obligation-free and sales-free, too – just 15 mins of laser coaching on any issue you want. If you’re not sure, read below! Yesterday at the end…
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